Last update: January 20, 2025 Contribution to the historical legacy of Cuban science
This version of the «Cuban Digital Library of Geosciences» contains around 5465 bibliographical references to Cuban Earth Sciences contributions, near 3195 in digital format (jpg, pdf). The thematics embrace Earth sciences, with emphasis in geology, paleontology, geophysics, geography, mining, and related topics, directly or indirectly referred to the Cuban territory. The references include books, monographs, thesis, papers, some abstracts, and more than 50 maps, published since the year 1500. Some very important unpublished documents have been indexed, since they are available in the following institutions: Oficina Nacional de Recursos Minerales (ONRM), Centro Nacional de Información Geológica (CNIG), and the library and maps science collection of the José Martí National Library.
The first bibliography of Cuban geology was elaborated by the Spaniard geologists Manuel Fernández de Castro (1877). Subsequently were published Noticias bibliográficas sobre geología de Cuba (Pablo Ortega, 1910), Biblioteca Científica Cubana (Trelles, 1918), Bibliografía sobre el Carbón de Piedra, el Petróleo, el Asfalto, los Betunes y el Gas Natural de Cuba (Pablo Ortega and Santiago de la Huerta, 1919), Bibliography of West Indian Geology (Rutten, 1938), Bibliografía Geológica Cubana (Bermúdez, 1938), Bibliografía Minera de Cuba Colonial (Anonymous), Bosquejo sobre Geología de Cuba (Calvache, 1965), Bibliografía Espeleológica de Cuba (Núñez-Jiménez y Graña González, 1970), Compilación de Publicaciones sobre Paleontología (Bonzoño et al, 2008), and the Caribbean references list of the Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas at Austin.
The very existence of so many bibliographic compilations underline the continuous interest to contribute to the scientific knowledge of Cuban Earth Sciences. In order to continue this tradition the present "Cuban Digital Library of Geosciences" was inspired, applying modern technologies which facilitate free online access to a large amount of texts and maps. The first version of this library was published as part of the “Compendio de Geología de Cuba y del Caribe” (Iturralde-Vinent, 2010, 2012).
We would like to thank the library of the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Cuba, Centro Nacional de Información Geológica del Instituto de Geología y Paleontología, Oficina Nacional de Recursos Minerales y Petróleo, Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas at Austin, as well as many individual collaborators which provided references, reprints and digital documents. Specially we want to underline the support of Empresa de Tecnologías de la Información y Servicios Telemáticos Avanzados “CITMATEL”, which kindly allowed this library to be placed online, free of charge, at Red Cubana de la Ciencia.
The «Cuban Digital Library of Geosciences» is periodically updated, therefore, your observations, new references, reprints or digital documents are very welcome. Please, contact us at: Webmaster. This library is non profite for research purpose only. In order to obtain the original papers published in international journals you are kindly refered to their respective editorial houses.
CITATION: Ceballos Izquierdo, Y., e Iturralde-Vinent, M., Biblioteca Digital Cubana de Geociencias. Published since 2011 at Red Cubana de la Ciencia.